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ParticleAPI Member List

This is the complete list of members for ParticleAPI, including all inherited members.
ApplyForce(const V3D &f)ParticleAPI
ApplyImpulse(const V3D &j)ParticleAPI
AttachShape(void *p_shape)ObjectAPI [inline, virtual]
DettachShape(void *p_shape)ObjectAPI [inline, virtual]
GetAcc(const V3D &acc) const ParticleAPI
GetMass() const ParticleAPI
GetPos() const ParticleAPI
GetVel(const V3D &vel) const ParticleAPI
m_nameObjectAPI [protected]
m_pObjectObjectAPI [protected]
ObjectAPI(S2::Object *p_obj)ObjectAPI [inline, protected]
ParticleAPI(S2::Object *p_obj)ParticleAPI [inline, private]
SetAcc(const V3D &acc)ParticleAPI
SetMass(Real mass)ParticleAPI
SetName(const char *name)ObjectAPI
SetPos(const P3D &pos)ParticleAPI
SetVel(const V3D &vel)ParticleAPI
UniverseAPI classParticleAPI [friend]
~ObjectAPI()ObjectAPI [inline, protected, virtual]
~ParticleAPI()ParticleAPI [inline, private]

Generated on Tue Aug 10 15:58:31 2004 for Saphyre2 by doxygen 1.3.5